section-title-image Almost half
a century

Lastovka, founded in 1976 in Maribor. It is currently run by the second generation, slowly being taken over by the third generation. The company serves its customers with premium gelato and soft serve ice cream, both freshly produced on a daily basis.


Ever since the founders’ passion for quality encouraged him to produce the finest gelato and sticked on using only the finest, purest ingredients for every flavor offered to consumers. Since the beginning the company has introduced more than 200 flavors.


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Best Ice Cream in Maribor! They have a lot of different flavours but the quality and good flavor are always there, no matter the one you choose. Also, the service is super nice and the ice cream is cheap, it makes you want to go back!

Catarina Gouveia

Sehr gute Eisqualität bei normalen Preisen.

Josef Steirer

Najboljši sladoled v Mariboru je pri Lastovki.

Boris Mitendorfer

Zame boljšega sladoleda ni, zaposleni pa zelo prijazni...


Sladolednica Lastoovka v Limbušu je zakon, ... Samo tako naprej!!!

Zoran Lukič

Lastovka kot Lastovka ... zelooo dober sladoled in velike kepice (na sliki ena kepica na vsakem kornetu) ... osebje prijazno in ustržljivo. Možno je tudi malo dlje čakati v vrsti, kar pa je normalno 😉 top!

Levin Oparenović

Odličen sladoled, za katerega se splača pocakati malo dlje, če je gužva, kar ponavadi je.

David Kurnik

Fantastična izbira odličnih sladoledov, ki jih nato lahko uživamo ob pogledu s starega mosta.... ???

Boris M

Najboljši sladoled na svetu. Lastovko obiskujemo že od otroških let in toplo priporočam.

Tatjana Frumen

Vedno nasmejana postrežba in res dober sladoled. Veliko različnih okusov. Kvaliteta pa vsa leta enaka.

Katja Blazic

Končno enkrat ni bila taka vrsta in mi je uspelo poskusit težko pričakovan sladoled. In res, same pohvale. Noro kremen in okusen sladoled, ferrero rocher in cheesecake desetke. Izjemno prijazno osebje, pa še ugodna lokacija. Me ne čudi taka popularnost. Aja, pa še poceni. 🙂

Nina Gacnik

There will never be a better ice cream than Lastovka's! The world should learn about the existence of Lastovka!

Angie Hawkins

Če je kje dober sladoled ga najdete pri Lastovki na Ptuju.

Klemen Mohorko

Smo bili danes po sladoled pri LASTOVKI v Limbušu. In spet se nam je polepšal dan. Prisrčna hvala

Herbert Zuzej


Places where you can enjoy our delicious flavors.